Thursday, June 19, 2008

Hordes/Warmachine HO

So last night I managed to rope two buddies into another trip to Dragon's Lair to check out WarMachines. I played Hordes last time I was there, time to try the other side :) Tony was not terribly interested in the game, Ross is a little higher on the maybe scale but didn't say much one way or the other. Tony and I played a nearly full game under the able tutelage of Will, the fellow who played me last time I was there. We ran a Cryx vs. Menoth starter box game. I had a good time :) The first move is always the scariest - plus WarMachine features something called an "arcnode", whereby most of your 'jacks can actually serve as the origin point for spells from the warcaster. All that verbiage basically means most of your models can function to dramatically extend the range of your caster.

I had a moment of minor success when I used a spell on my warcaster to put myself safely behind a wall on the turn right before Will was going to coach Tony to charge her. She was just looking too vulnerable to me so I hit upon the idea of sticking her in a cave, basically. Great success!

The flavor of Hordes and Warmachines are different - at my first glance, there is a lot more pre-planning and a lot less seat of the pants action in Warmachines than Hordes. As I rather like a bit of seat of the pants stress, I've opted to begin this hobby in earnest as a Hordes player. I chose The Circle of Orobos as my first faction to explore - they are headed up by druids, and have a very nature-based theme, with most of their warbeasts being some flavor of wolf, or a wood and stone construct.

$108 later I'm the happy owner of some Green Stuff (epoxy putty), super glue equivalent, a rule book, and a starter box. Not too shabby :) next stop: assembly!

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