Wednesday, January 14, 2009

GHWT, Fallout 3


This game is some srs good times.

I got sucked in due to my desire to get as many songs as possible unlocked in quick play, so friends and so forth can assemble set lists they like and we can all drink and pretend to be musicians together. Thus, last Thursday I beat it on guitar career, medium difficulty, and over the weekend I completed all songs (3 of the gigs have to be purchased with your winnings) on medium. I have a few without five stars, but by and large it appears my leet skillz from GHIII carried over - I cleared every song the first time, over 90% of that with 5 stars.

Next up is hard. I tried the Jane’s Addiction song on the first gig on hard the other day. At first I thought I’d screwed up as there were no orange notes at all . . . until the end. Still, cleared it, with five stars, unbelievably.

So I tried it on expert. Whereupon I was booed off the stage at 18%.

I’m likely going to start a drum career next, which will be much, much, MUCH harder for a rhythmless white guy like me.

Fallout 3

I’m making slow but steady progress. I’m not interested in finishing the game rapidly, so I explore everything. I don’t even want to go on the main quest line yet but instead am spending my time exploring everything else I come across. In fact I skipped a step in the main quest line because I hadn’t made it to the GNR radio station before I made it to Rivet City - turns out I was supposed to go to River City after GNR, so I got credit for the Rivet City step having never been to GNR.

Last night, at level 11, I made it to the Tepid Sewers, a place I’m gathering from the internets most folks have done well before that. This was the first time I’ve done anything across the river. Dum dum duummmmmm. A full Tepid Sewers clear took me just over 2 hours, between the sneaking, the ammo conserving, the computer hacking, and the final bouts of schlepping all the crap back home for eventual sale. My locker in the house is full of at least half a dozen of most weapons “just in case”. This game is not the sort of game that will force a pack rat to change his ways. I think I’ve amassed something like 80 stimpacks to boot. And I never, never sell ammo. But with 100+ locations to explore, and me taking one to two hours each if it’s a building or dungeony like place, I’ve got a loooong way to go.

Blazing through the game on easy difficulty when I run through as an evil character who will be markedly less subtle than my current lock pick/sneaking/sniper guy should be quite the romp. For now I appreciate the depth of the challenge.

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